The Chad & Jeremy Story

Chad Stuart and Jeremy Clyde have lived very creative lives, and continue to do so. This section of the website is designed to tell their story, from birth to the present, in the most comprehensive way ever.

Prologue: Before 1964

Part one of the timeline we take a look at the Chad & Jeremy that (comparatively) very few knew, the pre-fame lives of the dynamic duo...


Fame: 1964-1966

Chad & Jeremy were playing at Tina's, a London folk club and coffee bar, and had just been signed to Ember records by John Barry...


Fame II: 1966-1968

By the fall of 1965, it seemed as if C&J may have gone their separate ways for good...but that didn't last long...  


Epilogue: 1969-1982

After Chad & Jeremy broke up, there was very little heard of either of them, musically, but that doesn't mean that they weren't active, both together and independently...


Rebirth: 1983-1987

After more than a decade of commercial silence, Chad & Jeremy came back onto the musical scene with a "bullet".  The "reunion" LP of 1983 marked the beginning of a new period for the group, a new period which lasted almost as long as C&J's first run...


The Wildnerness Years: 1987-2002

The end of the 1980s seemed to bring an end to the Chad & Jeremy story, but one should never say never...


Reunited again: 2002-today

After fifteen years apart, Chad & Jeremy found that making music was simply too much fun to not do again...